Monday, July 28, 2008

Iron man with a paunch ... and others

American Fattening seems to be one disaster waiting to happen. You see all these Americans are eating stuff from all around the world and accumulating them in their bodies. This makes that part of the planet so much heavier than it is designed to be. It would lead to a shift in the Center of Gravity of the planet and will someday or the other lead to a slowdown in Earth's rotation ... leading to a bigger disaster than Global Warming :-D
I came across a news article which states that Disney has recently announced its plans to close the "It's a Small World" attraction in one of its theme parks. The reason they cite is that they need to deepen the water channels because some of the heavy passengers' boats have started getting stuck.
If you think this is hilarious, just wait a bit. So, till the water channels are being deepened, the heavy passengers are being politely asked to disembark. And, they are being compensated with ... guess what an obese American would be most happy getting? ... Something for which he/she would not decide to sue Disney? … Free Food Coupons. Talk about irony.
Then there's this Iron Man Do-It-Yourself dress thing. It is nice to see people happy wearing whatever they are comfortable with. But Iron Man with a paunch! Have a look your self. The image is from
Gizmodo also has this image. Who's this guy? Can't hold my stomach laughing :)

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